I think I'm still in shock from reading about Elon Musk pushing back on the UN re: world hunger and higher taxes.
IF you missed it, he said if they can PROVE on twitter that him giving 6 billion dollars more in tax would END world hunger, he would sell his stock and give them the money.
BTW, SHOCKER, 100% they NEVER will OR show their accounting of the dollars they HAVE received.
So it got me thinking...should car companies and drivers do the SAME with the government and make them PROVE by spending all the money they want, that it would END the supposed 'man-made climate crisis'.
And for them to open their books to show how they will spend it and be ACCOUNTABLE if it isn't working.
And one other SIDE question...If this is the EXISTENTIAL threat to society and the scariest thing EVER, WHY did Joe Biden fall asleep at the climate conference today?
Spies, discuss....