One of the most disappointing things about an EV experience I've had lately is coming to the realization that except for certain instances (your company gives you a 10k bonus to buy one and there is plentiful, free supercharging there) the FREE LUNCH is OVER when it comes to EV ownership.

Sure, there are 'free' chargers at malls (two hour limit with slowest speed which gives you about 13 miles) but if you want ANY fast charging on the road YOU GOTTA PAY THE PIPER. And it keeps getting MORE expensive by the minute.

Now mind you I haven't even MENTIONED the taxes coming because EV owners aren't paying the states gas taxes.

So the questions I have are...are you still thinking of buying one? Like owning yours? OR, because of COST are you FALLING OUT OF LUST with the whole idea?


Now That The 'FREE CHARGING' Days Are Coming To An END, Are You STILL As Excited About Owning An EV Someday OR Have You Fell OUT OF LUST?

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