We can't help laughing at how UN-insightful today's auto writer's are for the most part bandwagon jumpers.

We've been saying it for years but when we read articles like this, it just confirms HOW LITTLE they understand cars and brands.

Heidi is making the call that Lucid and Rivian are the FUTURE of sexy in her NY Post article.

So we ask HOW LONG before she EATS those words? A month? A week?

Heidi, NO ONE will beat Elon, ESPECIALLY Lucid or Rivian. If you believe that, you're MENTAL and have a wonderful future in the hospitality industry.

Doubt us? Check out the first sentence in her article: 

"Elon’s electric cars are no longer a Musk-have."

Because a TINY few have orders in for a Lucid or a Rivian?

In the word's of Joe Biden, C'MON MAN!

Full article at the link...

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Has HEIDI Called This A LITTLE TOO EARLY? Says Lucid And Rivian The FUTURE Of Sexy, NOT Tesla.

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