Making cars in 2021 was far from easy—anyone in the business will tell you so. That's especially true if you talk to somebody at General Motors, the company whose 89-year reign as the United States' top-selling automaker just came to an end. In a somewhat surprising series of manufacturing (and sales) events, Toyota has usurped GM by moving 2.3 million cars in America compared to the domestic auto giant's 2.2 million.

GM released its year-end sales numbers on Tuesday afternoon, confirming what many thought would be the case when Toyota dropped its total just a few hours prior. While it'd be inaccurate to chalk up this switcharoo to one single plant closure, the fact that GM battled so many throughout the year undoubtedly played a part. Meanwhile, Toyota had a stockpile of semiconductor chips going into 2021, and even though it eventually ran out, it was able to supply dealers well enough to displace GM at the top.

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