"Whatever the technological promise or pitfalls of electric vehicles, the real challenge lies in getting consumers eager to buy them. And that’s proven to be at least as difficult as making batteries last and building out a comprehensive charging infrastructure. A new report from the big-time, grownup pants Deloitte consulting firm indicates just how big an undertaking that is proving to be.

Deloitte’s touchingly named “2022 Global Automotive Consumer Study” goes into granular detail about the buyer expectations that will drive the automotive market in the coming years.

In the U.S. fully 69 percent of consumers expect their next vehicle to be powered by internal combustion. Another 22 percent will go for some sort of hybrid. But still, amid all this, only about five percent of Americans expect their next vehicle will be a fully-electric, battery-fueled machine."

Can you imagine what the major media is thinking when they read this article and study in a mainstream magazine that should obey and do what they're told like the rest of them? This isn't FOLLOWING THE AGENDA! And WHO ARE THEY to ask such LOGICAL questions?! ROAD & TRACK, in our best Greta voice, HOW COULD YOU?!

So Spies, do you think this will get them CANCELLED?

Oh, and here's the link to the full study to read before you the link to the original article below...

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SURVEY SAYS? Will This Major Mag Get CANCELLED For Asking THIS Question? Do People WANT Electric Cars?

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