'I know that because of the way electric vehicles entered the market, many might think of them as a luxury item, something that belongs to those who live in the biggest cities next to the most charges and have the most money to spend,' he said.

'The reality is – no one benefits more from EVs in principle than those who drive the longest distances, which is often our rural Americans [who] stand to save the most money on gas and maintenance,' said Buttigieg.

The White House wants to prod Americans to move away from gasoline-powered vehicles even as efforts to win substantial additional funding for EVs in Congress have stalled.

U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said funding "will help us win the EV race by working with states, labor, and the private sector to deploy a historic nationwide charging network."

Do you think he has ever spoken to the average American to get THEIR thoughts on it?

Pete Buttigieg Says Electric Vehicles AREN'T Luxury Items? REALLY? Since WHEN?

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