The charging station infrastructure in the United States will soon catch up to and surpass traditional fuel stations for the number of individual pumps, or charging stalls. There are currently between 110,000 - 150,000 fuel pumps and the number of individual chargers is around 110,000, according to Jerry insurance

The number of gas stations has been going down for the last two decades, while increasing sales of electric vehicles has spurred constant and sometimes rapid expansion of the charging infrastructure. There are now over 2-million EVs on US roads compared to just 16,000 a decade ago.

One major challenge ahead will be for the charging infrastructure to keep up with the rapidly increasing number of EVs in the US. Projections say that by 2030 the country will have 30-million EVs on its roads, and according to the source, that would require the construction of 478 charger stalls per day for eight years in order to meet the need - the Biden administration is aiming for 500,000 stations by decade’s end.

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EV Charging Stations Predicted To Outnumber Gasoline Stations Soon

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