If you watched the Big Game this past weekend, you likely noticed an unexpected entrant among the legions of EV and NFT advertisers: DeLorean. The ad spot, a mere fifteen seconds of the famous gullwing doors opening in silhouette, sparked the interest of every viewer with a pulse and a bit of Back to the Future nostalgia. A new DeLorean? In 2022?

For starters, this ad isn’t from the original DeLorean Motor Company — you know, the one that built the cars. That one burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp back in the early eighties. It was supplanted by a Texas-based DeLorean Motor Company in the nineties, which won the rights to the original DMC name and branding in a lawsuit just a few years ago, but that company also isn’t the one running this ad — although it may not not be. Let me explain.

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So What Is the Deal With The Delorean Comeback This Year?

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