So here's something interesting us Americans haven't heard about.

The term #FordNation would be synonymous with you guessed it, the Ford Motor Company.

Take a drive through the heartland of America and you'll see the stickers posted everywhere.

But in Canada a funny thing has happened.

The Premier Of Ontario (like a state governor in the USA) Doug Ford SOMEHOW got the hashtag #fordnation on Twitter and his many enemies are using to complain about virtually everything. Currently, it's about how the Canadian healthcare system is falling apart. Funny, NONE of the media here who have pushed socialized free healthcare in the USA have done any stories about the dying healthcare utopia that was once in Canada.

But back to cars. This MUST be creating a branding dilemma with Ford products via the association.

So does Ford have any recourse? Should they push back or are people smart enough to keep the politics separated from the auto stuff? Or is a #FordNation sticker the Canadian MAGA sticker?


BRAND WARS! Ontario Canada Is A FORD NATION! Wait, You Think We Meant The CAR COMPANY?

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