Amidst the ongoing legal jabs from both Twitter and Elon Musk’s legal teams, it becomes pretty easy to lose the narrative. But while media coverage would likely give the impression that Musk is simply trying to weasel out of a $44 billion deal, the two parties’ conflict is actually based on a key issue: Twitter bots.

Twitter has maintained that less than 5% of its users are spam or fake accounts, even in its filings to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Musk has scoffed at this estimate as the Tesla CEO believes that the number of bots on the social media platform is far higher. A recent estimate from Dan Woods, the Global Head of Intelligence at F5 and a former FBI special agent specializing in cybersecurity, suggests that Musk’s hunch is spot-on.


In a post on F5’s official website, Woods, who also worked for the CIA as a technical operations officer specializing in cyber operations, estimated that over 80% of Twitter’s accounts are actually bots. Woods was able to come to this conclusion after analyzing the social media platform and its countermeasures against automated accounts.

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As Twitter And Elon Musk Battle, Former FBI Security Specialist Estimates Over 80% Of Twitter Accounts Are Bots

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