The best critics of anything are those with a deep knowledge of how the criticized things work. That made Jason Hughes a reputable source of information in the Tesla world. The owner of 057 Technology makes a living repairing these EVs. His latest target was Full Self-Driving (FSD), which had a price increase in September. It now costs $15,000 for those who want to apply for the beta software. We say “apply” because those paying for it have no idea if they will ever use it, which is just one of the objections the Tesla hacker made in his Twitter thread about it.

Hughes classified FSD as a “blatant cash grab scam,” as it is. Also known as Tesla Hacker, he said it is ludicrous that Tesla increased “the price of a product you can't even actually get when you pay for it multiple times (literally 5x the original cost now)." Even if customers could pay $15,000 for FSD and start using it right away, Hughes would still have issues with it, even if only a few.

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Tesla Hacker Claims FSD Price Increase Is An Unjustified Scam - Avoid It

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