Heat waves come and go.

California's electricity grid cannot cope with the additional demands put upon it by the hot weather.
Newsom assures us our compliance will ensure that 'we can get through this together.'

Get through what?

A stretch of hot days in the summer is nothing new, despite Newsom's false claims of 'unprecedented' temperatures.

The last comparable heat wave occurred in 1988. That's not exactly ancient history.
No, the real reason that California – a state that ranks as the world's fifth largest economy – cannot power its citizens' homes is that for years Newsom and far-left Democrats have waged war on energy in the name of fighting climate change.

For them, the only thing that matters is pushing forward, with all the zeal of the religious fanatic, a crazed and irrational anti-energy, anti-human agenda.

Reliable sources of electricity, like gas-burning power stations and nuclear power, have been undermined, while renewable alternatives like wind and solar have been encouraged through regulation and subsidy.

Newsom brags that where California leads, the nation will follow - a sentiment recently echoed by Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and one that should terrify all Americans.

If Democrats in California - or at the national level - really wanted to do that, they would give a massive boost to the most reliable form of clean energy we have, nuclear power.

When you consider the astonishing incoherence and deep destructiveness of the Democrats' energy policies, you inevitably conclude that they are truly in the grip of a 'climate' cult.

Anti-science, anti-human, inconsistent even on its own terms…it is all one giant, self-indulgent exercise in elitist virtue-signaling, and as usual ordinary Americans are left in the dark.

We ask is THIS a warning we are ALL moving TOO FAST to EV’s?


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Is The California ELECTRIC DEBACLE A WARNING To The World That Moving TOO FAST To EV's Is A MISTAKE?

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