Air, I am sorry to report, is stealing your money. Although we walk through it with ease, it is an unfortunate reality that traveling through the air at highway speeds causes an enormous amount of drag, slowing you down, and using up your gas.

In fact, Chris Anthony, the CEO of Aptera, the makers of a highly aerodynamic EV, suggests that around 60 percent of the energy a typical car spends going at highway speeds is used pushing air out of the way. Naturally, then, a desire to use aerodynamic principles to lower that number will emerge.

Encouraged by record fuel prices in the state of California, Think Flight, a YouTube channel focused on aeronautics, decided to put its knowledge of airfoils towards lowering the coefficient of drag on a terrestrial vehicle. And they decided to do it without spending much cash.


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WATCH: Triggered Californian Resorts To Extreme Aerodynamics To Cope With High Gas Prices

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