These sure have been crazy times in the car business.

WHO KNEW that vehicle prices would go through the roof vs. crash during the pandemic?

USUALLY, during tough times people are MORE CAREFUL with their money. NOT the case this time.

So we've all gotten used to seeing ADM's (added dealer markups) on even the most mundane products. Like say, a Toyota RAV4!

But the markups got even nuttier on new/rare products like the Ford Lightning EV and the all-new Ford Bronco.

GOD ONLY KNOWS what the premiums will be on the open market for the upcoming Tesla CyberTruck.

So I thought it would be fun to try and predict the future on two of the vehicles you CAN buy today that have high markups.

PLACE YOUR BETS SPIES...Which one of these two will the market correct on FIRST and that you will be able to buy at MRSP.

The Ford Lightning truck or the Ford Bronco SUV?


PLACE YOUR BETS. Which OF THESE Will Added Dealer Markup End On First And Be Easier To Buy At MSRP? The FORD LIGHTNING Or The FORD BRONCO?

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