Even if you haven't been won over by fully electric vehicles yet, it's impossible to deny that they've dramatically shifted the performance benchmarks that once appeared out of reach. The horsepower outputs and acceleration records that are now being achieved are frankly ludicrous, and they wouldn't have been possible without electrification.

BMW is set to enter the EV power wars with Tesla, Lucid, and others in the not-too-distant future with its new Neue Klasse architecture. While this architecture will underpin models that perform similarly to today's i4, there will also be quad-motor M variants that can perform four-wheel standing donuts thanks to a dedicated electric motor powering each wheel. Obviously, these electric M cars will be insanely powerful and could power a possible hypercar, but we weren't certain of the specific numbers until now.

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BMW Predicts It's M Hypercars Will Have More Than 1300 HP

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