On September 9, we told you that the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA, Germany’s Federal Motor Transport Authority) ordered Tesla to fix “abnormalities” in Autopilot’s software. WirtschaftsWoche revealed that but did not disclose what KBA asked Tesla to change. We asked the German market surveillance authority about that and just got the answer from it. Interestingly, it shows once again that Europe will not approve anything based on what Tesla claims.

In the U.S., the company tells authorities that Autopilot and Full Self-Driving (FSD) are Level 2 advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). That is how Tesla managed to put its own customers to “test” FSD on public roads without having to apply for special authorizations to do so. American lawmakers demand that procedure for autonomous vehicles.

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German Agency Clarifies The Issues It Has With Tesla Autopilot Software

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