They said it couldn’t be done.

Governor Gavin Newsom delivered an early Christmas present this past week to Californians affected by high gasoline prices: a special session of the state legislature designed to punish oil companies for recent gasoline-price spikes.

If anyone should be penalized for lying, gouging, and pocket-lining, it’s the State of California.

“Today the Republican and Independent Members of the Assembly voted to save Californians 51 cents per gallon by suspending the gas tax. In addition, 18 members abstained from the vote,” Kiley said in a statement. “Unfortunately, the supermajority rounded up enough votes to deny struggling Californians this modest measure of relief. Our state’s political leadership has never been so out of touch.”

There’s no evidence that oil companies are engaged in price-fixing or rigging the California market or taking advantage of shortages.

In the end, successful businesses don’t really pay taxes. They pass them on to consumers. And so, California’s drivers will pay the new tax on oil producers — even if you call the tax a “price-gouging penalty.” Naturally, poor Californians will feel the pain most exquisitely. But the establishment will have an answer for that too, one that will blame the men and women who produce energy for an increasingly desperate state. The answer to the failures of progressivism: more progressivism.

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Only California Could Figure Out How To Make Gasoline MORE Expensive.

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