Ok Spies.

It's been a year. Certainly NOT a great or even good year.

The market SUCKS, gas prices SUCK, those in power SUCK (ALL OF THEM!), inflation SUCKS and we could continue on ad nauseam.

But what good will that do?

One of the great NHL coaches John Muckler had a saying when people were complaining about bad referee calls, bad breaks, the trades that should have happened, etc.

He would say ladies and fellas, you gotta find a way to win with what you got.

And boy was he right. Nothing will ever be perfect.

So with that in mind this is YOUR opportunity to PREDICT, SOUND OFF, RANT, WHATEVER on ANY subject or subjects you want.

But before that we would like to thank you for making come and the BEST place to come SPY before you BUY!

Now let it all out! Give us ALL a piece ot your minds!

Happy New Year, have fun and don't drink and drive!

YOU SOUND OFF AND PREDICT! On The Verge Of The NEW YEAR, Tell US What YOU Think 2023 Holds In Store?

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