Karen sat in the courtroom, tears streaming down her face as she watched her husband, Tom, being led away in handcuffs. He had just been sentenced to 20 years in prison for attempted murder, after he had tried to kill her, himself, and their two children by driving their Tesla off a cliff.

Karen couldn't help but feel conflicted about the whole situation. On the one hand, Tom had done something unforgivable, something that had put their entire family in danger. On the other hand, she knew that he had been struggling with depression for a long time, and she couldn't help but feel partially responsible for what had happened.

The incident had happened a few months earlier, on a beautiful sunny day. Tom had been acting strangely for weeks, barely speaking to Karen or the kids and spending all his time locked in his home office. She had tried to talk to him about it, but he had always brushed her off, telling her that he was just stressed from work.

That morning, Karen had woken up to find a note from Tom on the kitchen table. It was a suicide note, in which he had expressed his love for his family but also his despair at the state of his life. In a panic, Karen had rushed to the garage to find that Tom had already loaded the kids into the car and was revving the engine.

What happened next was a blur. Karen had tried to stop Tom from leaving, but he had pushed her away and sped off down the road. She had followed him in her own car, desperate to keep him from doing something rash. But as they approached the cliff, Tom had suddenly swerved and driven the car straight off the edge.

By some miracle, they had all survived the fall. Tom and the kids had suffered only minor injuries, but Karen had been left with a broken arm and several cracked ribs. As she lay in the hospital, she couldn't help but feel like her entire world had been shattered.

And now, as she watched Tom being taken away to prison, Karen knew that their lives would never be the same. But she also knew that she didn't want him to face any charges. She couldn't bring herself to punish the man she had loved for so long, even if he had done something as terrible as this.

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As she left the courtroom, Karen couldn't help but wonder what the future would hold for her and her family. But one thing was certain - they would never forget the day that their lives had almost ended in tragedy.

HERE'S A DOOZIE! WIFE Of Man Who Tried To Kill HIMSELF AND His CHILDREN In Tesla CLIFF DIVE Didn't Want Him To Face Any Charges!

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