From the dawn of the automobile until the Baby Boomer generation, every generation drove more than the one that preceded it. That trend, though, seems to be reversing now, and, like the Millennials before them, members of Generation Z, or Zoomers, are driving fewer miles than the people who preceded them.

Generational disinterest in driving was led by Millennials, defined roughly as the cohort of people born between 1981 and 1996. As they were coming of age, between 2001 and 2009, the number of miles driven by young people dropped by 24 percent. And although Millennials have started driving more as they have kids and move out of the cities, they still go fewer miles, on average, than previous generations did before them.

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Gen Z Disinterested In Driving - Prefer To Be Chauffeured Around By Parents And Strangers

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