Steering for both designs is accomplished by means of a steering dial mounted on the top surface of the respective interface units, to be operated by the driver’s second hand. Much as you’d find with game controllers, the steering dial will have a short travel between its extremes and progressively increasing resistance as it goes through its range of motion, along with a return spring to ensure that it always settles on its center position upon release. The car’s computer will then translate these digital inputs to front wheel steering angles.
Motive power output will be regulated by the pressure on the accelerator trigger in the one-handed model, but the two-handed model will feature a separate, smaller adjustment dial to determine the drivetrain’s output. In this respect, the pistol grip’s trigger operation appears to be more intuitive, but Xbox or Playstation users should have few problems with coordinating the finger movement combinations required to operate the vehicle with the two-handed interface.

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Kia And Hyundai Want To Replace Steering Wheels With Controllers

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