Let's set the record straight from the beginning – buying a Tesla can be quite a rewarding experience. Prices are fair at the time of writing, there's no middleman involved, the entire process is smooth, and qualifying Americans can even take advantage of federal and local incentives that may lower the acquisition cost even further. Moreover, not having to burn gas or diesel to commute is great for protecting your local area from increased levels of air pollutants.
But the positives continue for those who like minimalism, quickness, and being connected while on the go. A Model 3 or Model Y is great in this respect and can do most (or even more!) of what other, more expensive competitors are capable of. Just the guaranteed Supercharger access is enough to convince someone wanting an EV to buy a Tesla. Reliable DC fast charging is what people traveling long distances more often than not need, and Electrify America has yet to be ready to offer it.

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