I have always questioned the idea that Americans could get fully on-board with electric cars. Living through Covid, where Americans more or less chose/are choosing to ignore a pandemic and do little to nothing in response didn’t make me more confident that they’d be inclined to respond when faced with extinction. Americans are literally experiencing climate crisis right now and choosing to get mad about beer commercials and country music.
But, for the last decade or so, I’ve been repeatedly assured that once EVs comprise 5% of new cars sold in the US, we’d hit a tipping point and be off to the EV mass-adoption races. Buyers would “see the benefits”—low maintenance/fuel costs, silent torque, etc and be convinced. We’ve seen it happen in other countries, but in my totally unscientific analysis, I’ve noticed that a lot of those countries are somewhat unlike the United States.

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What Happens If Americans Reject The EV Revolution?

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