Audi's upcoming Q6 e-tron electric SUV will arrive with a high-end lighting system, which introduces two world-firsts to be used on a production vehicle.
The lighting system, particularly the setup involving the taillights, marks the arrival of Audi's second-generation digital OLED rear lights and promises to take road safety to a new level. The Proximity indication feature now includes a communication light in the Q6 e-tron. It can warn other motorists of an impending obstacle on the roadway, such as a crash or traffic suddenly coming to a halt.
Audi's communication light can relay this information thanks to data it has collected from the swarm. This light is activated with warning symbols from the various safety features, such as the rear-end collision alert signal, emergency assist, and even the hazard warning lights, among other things.

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Audi Q6 e-tron Tail Lights Will Warn Others Of Road Hazards

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