Misconceptions surrounding owning a Tesla or an electric vehicle (EV) often revolve around the belief that they eliminate the need for oil or fluid maintenance, a notion that requires reevaluation. Contrary to common perception, even Tesla's necessitate certain fluid upkeep akin to their internal combustion engine (ICE) counterparts.

In the realm of Tesla maintenance, oil-related tasks persist. Notably, Tesla vehicles entail an oil filter and employ Petosin ATF 9 fluid. Quantities of 1.25 quarts for the front motor and 2.25 quarts for the rear motor are mandated, mirroring the traditional oil change process in cost. Astonishingly, this maintenance alert can manifest as early as the 20,000-mile mark, underscoring the necessity of gearbox fluid service. This requirement, coupled with the recommendation for continued driving, reinforces the significance of scheduling timely service.

Furthermore, an additional facet of maintenance involves a coolant flush. This procedure encompasses draining and refilling the coolant, with associated costs of approximately $200 to $250, labor expenses included, as performed by the Tesla Service Center.

In sum, the notion that EVs like Tesla's completely exempt their owners from oil and fluid-related concerns proves erroneous. The similarity in maintenance tasks, including oil filter installation, specific fluid requisites, and regular service intervals, underscores that the narrative of zero fluid changes in EVs warrants a revised perspective.

You know all those places that joke free oil changes for Tesla's? Well, if you own an EV that would be a fun visit for you to get yours. LOL.

Thanks to AGENT YU for the tip...

Your EV Owning Friend Is Always BRAGGING To You They Don't Use OIL Anymore Or Need To Change It. Well, They're Full Of .... Read On.

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