One of his most recent projects has a little bit of all these from RDJ. No, we're not talking about Oppenheimer, Chris Nolan's movie that sees RDJ go "serious" and for which he's already been rewarded with serious Oscar buzz, but about his MAX docu-series, Downey's Dream Cars.
Downey's Dream Cars came as a total surprise, if only for the simple reason that not even industry people would have imagined RDJ doing reality programming of any kind. Then, there was the fact that he revealed himself as a passionate car collector and an equally passionate environmentalist. In fact, the idea for the series came to be when these two passions collided, and he had the revelation that you can drive on fossil fuels and still hope to have a planet to leave to your children.
Bottom line, RDJ set out to convert his garage of classics into electric vehicles. That's what the docu-series is all about: the challenge to himself to find a crew to work with, to oversee a conversion of this scale, and even to add new vehicles to the collection.

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