Uxbridge, 21 July, 2023: the ballot papers are counted and the local, real-world folks voted at their by-election to kill off the proposed rollout of the Ultra Low Emission Zone across the 606 square miles of Greater London – some of which is open, sweet-smelling countryside. Labour should have won, but didn’t because it aligned itself with, and was tainted by, the proposed £12.50-per-day ULEZ racket. The Conservatives won because they adopted an anti-ULEZ stance. Game over? Er, not quite. 
London, 28 July, 2023: High Court judges living in a very different world gave permission for local Mayor Sadiq Khan to start snatching those payments from the pockets of drivers he deems to be driving the wrong cars and vans – even though the Government, DVLA and Police say they’re perfectly legal.

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UK Press Begins Questioning If London's Ultra Low Emission Zone Fees Are More About Money Than Pollution

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