SUV sales are booming, but not everyone is in love with modern high-rise family cars. One group vehemently opposed to SUVs has just claimed responsibility for an attack on a UK JLR dealership during which the tires on around 60 Land Rover vehicles were destroyed with a cordless electric drill.
A group calling itself ‘Tyre Extinguishers’ says its supporters ambushed the Vertu Land Rover retailer in Exeter, targeting scores of SUVs parked outside the showroom on Matford Way. A grainy POV video of the rubber wreckers in action was posted to the group’s twitter feed. Though it’s too dark to see the tires being drilled you can hear a ‘zzz’ from a power tool as one of the activists moves quickly from vehicle to vehicle.

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WATCH: Anti SUV Group Takes Revenge By Slashing Tires On 60 Land Rovers

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