In the old days, if you asked someone why they went from one product to another, the answers USUALLY would makes sense.

Here is a hypothetical sample of what you might have heard in an interview with a customer...I got rid of my Porsche 911 for an S-Class because I got married and have two kids now and needed the room.

Makes sense right. Porsche 911 is awesome but needs changed.

But in 2023 people are flipping from one vehicle to the next with NO practical reason.

Take for example this GEM of a video between these two ladies on X. TWITTER, to the common man.

She asks her WHY she dumped her Porsche Macan S for a Tesla Plaid.

Here's one of the quotes of WHY she jumped ship:

"The driving experience as a whole. I'm HAPPY driving right now."

WAIT! The Macan S SUV is an UNHAPPY driving experience?

OR, are there OTHER reasons WHY that she WON'T say? Like she's happier because she thinks she's saving the world and ending climate change?

This video has to have sent some of the Porsche execs into therapy.

Take a watch and chime in with YOUR thoughts...Tell us the REAL reasons WHY she got the Tesla...

MUST SEE TV! Girl Asks Girl WHY She Dumped Her Porsche Macan For A Tesla Plaid. The Answers Have Probably Sent Porsche Execs Into THERAPY!

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