A new video that went viral on TikTok shows two police officers arresting a driver who claims that she just wanted to give $20 to a street flower vendor. The police arrested the vendor for panhandling which is illegal in Florida, while the the woman who was trying to give her money was taken into custody for “resisting arrest and refusing to comply with officers”.
Following the incident in Bonita Springs, Florida, 24-year-old Annika Olson who can be seen being handcuffed, spoke to NBC2 News, sharing her side of the story. Olson claims she had no idea that panhandling was illegal, and all she wanted to do was to help the vendor with a few bucks – as she normally does. However, as she was trying to find the money the traffic light went green which is why she decided to make a U-turn and come back to the same spot. This is where officers stepped in, claiming that Olson’s SUV was a “safety hazard” as it was blocking traffic.


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WATCH: Florida Police Arrest Woman For Stopping To Buy Flowers From Homeless Person

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