"Today we announced the difficult decision to cease IDT (information and digital technology) operations at the Arizona IT Innovation Center at the end of October. This decision was not an easy one, but it will help to optimize our innovation center footprint and gain the efficiencies and effectiveness we need to have to continue to support the company," wrote Stacy Lynett, GM's vice president of Information and Digital Technology.

General Motors will be reducing its salaried workforce by 940 positions, coinciding with the closure of its Arizona IT Innovation Center by the conclusion of October. This announcement follows closely after the company's communication last week, stating that approximately 200 engineers in different locations would be facing job cuts.

On a Wednesday, General Motors informed the Arizona IT Innovation Center's 1,029 nonunion staff members about the verdict to eliminate a significant portion of the positions. This was followed by a companywide email, the contents of which were acquired by the Detroit Free Press.

THE GENERAL IS DECLINING: General Motors Announces Closure Of Arizona IT Innovation Center, Leading to 940 Job Losses

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