Permit clearance has been secured by Tesla for its Diner and Drive-In Movie Supercharger situated in Los Angeles. These details have been revealed through documents accessed by Teslarati, originating from the LA Department of Building and Safety.

For a number of years, Tesla has been hinting at the potential creation of a Supercharger station that combines a drive-in movie theater and a diner. This unique establishment is projected to encompass 32 charging stalls, two screens for showcasing iconic movie clips, and a restaurant featuring rooftop seating.
While the original plan was to construct this facility across a set of lots in Santa Monica, the decision was made to relocate it further East to Hollywood. The new site will be positioned at 7001 W. Santa Monica Boulevard.

HAPPY DAYS? Tesla Charges Up For Hollywood Drive-In Movie-Themed Supercharger Diner!

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