Robotaxis and driverless cars are a common sight in San Francisco now. California officials’ recent expansion of service and testing has allowed even more of these cars on city streets. Unfortunately for residents, it’s been a headache, with traffic, accidents and other puzzling incidents happening more and more. Now using data provided by the California DMV, The San Francisco Chronicle has created a map that shows just how many incidents involving driverless cars have happened in the city.
Right before the decision to allow the companies to expand service, Cruise and Waymo came forward and told officials just how many driverless cars they had on the city’s streets: Waymo said it has a fleet of 250 vehicles while Cruise has a fleet of 400; 100 during the day and 300 at night. While that seems like a lot, driverless car testing has been going on for nearly a decade. And the California DMV has been keeping track. The agency has records of incidents going back to 2014.

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New Map Makes It Clear Just How Many Robo Taxi Crashes Have Occurred In San Francisco

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