The Lamborghini Huracán Sterrato is absolute madness. It’s the antithesis of what a supercar should be. It’s wild but it’s also “one of the best Lamborghinis ever,” as our own Kyle Hyatt described it when he drove it earlier this year. But just how wild can it get? YouTuber Mark McCann recently found out when he launched the Sterrato of a jump on a dirt road.
Now this isn’t some press car that they let McCann get a hold of. Car companies aren’t that reckless. This is McCann’s own personal Sterrato that he purchased a few months back. So the risk is all on him. But he obviously has deep pockets because the first place he takes it in the video is one of the world’s toughest off-road courses: Cowm Quarry.

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WATCH: How Tough Is The Lamborghini Serrato? You Are About To Find Out

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