Hyundai is taking a page from Tesla as it plans to model a new EV production method after its Giga Casting. The new process,”hypercasting,” can significantly cut costs while boosting output.
According to an exclusive report from the Korean newspaper Hankyung, Hyundai’s new EV production method is inspired by Tesla’s Giga Casting.
The process involves injecting molten aluminum alloy into casting molds that harden into the vehicle’s frame. Since introducing the method in 2020 at Tesla’s Fremont Factory, the EV maker has introduced it at its plants in China and Germany.
The massive machines produce parts much bigger than what the auto industry was used to. Automakers can save much-needed time and resources without the need to bond multiple parts (it can also help reduce the vehicle’s weight). Tesla is said to have reduced costs by about 30% using Giga Casting.

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Hyundai Is Developing Giga Casting Process Of It's Own To Lower Production Costs

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