It's old news now that Toyota wants to simulate a manual transmission in its fully electric vehicles with a shifter and clutch pedal, but what we didn't know before is that it may retain one pesky feature of the real deal: Stalling. Yes, Toyota isn't concerned with only the fun parts of driving stick making it into its EVs, but also the annoying parts. It's all about the charm, I guess.
The Japanese automaker detailed how all of this would work in a recent patent document, creatively titled "Electric vehicle". It starts out by stating the engineers' belief that if the car didn't ever stall, it would lead to "a sense of discomfort to the driver who knows the driving sensation of the MT [manual transmission] vehicle." That might be taking it a bit far, but whether or not the automaker's commitment to the bit is a little intense, the way the system works is pretty straightforward.

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Toyota Wants It's Manual Transmission EVs To Stall Like ICE Counterparts

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