Elon Musk's father does not drive, does not own, and does not want a Tesla. Errol Musk turned down his son’s offer to send him a Tesla all the way to South Africa.
Errol Musk drives owns a luxury sedan, a sports car, and a vintage plane, but is not too kin to get a Tesla, the car that his son’s company builds. Not now and not anytime soon.
Errol lives in South Africa, where electric cars are anything but popular. So he would rather go for something more practical like, let’s say, a Rolls-Royce. That is what he currently drives or is chauffeured in.
Besides, with all the shipping and import costs, a Tesla would be way too expensive to be shipped to South Africa. Too expensive even for Elon Musk’s billionaire father, whose net worth hits $278 billion. The Tesla CEO offered to pay for everything, but his father still said no.

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