From the energy generation perspective, mankind currently stands on the precipice of history. Mankind's come to a point where it needs to make concrete decisions on how to supply roughly eight billion people with enough electricity to stretch each continent. On top of it all, a break-neck drive towards an all-electric automotive grid means that pretty soon, global demands for electricity are only going to increase exponentially.

With a fully electric global automotive sector due by the middle of the next decade, nuclear energy stands above the rest in terms of the sheer level of power it can produce. But with public sentiments starkly divided between the pro-nuclear and anti-nuclear stance, the drive towards a comprehensive switch to nuclear energy across the globe would be an uphill battle in every sense. But the nuclear energy sector of 2023 is substantially different from what it was in the days of Three Mile Island or Chornobyl (Chernobyl). It's rife with powerful, ultra-modern nuclear reactors designed to meet the demands of future power grids while addressing the concerns of the "not in my backyard" variety of people.

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