Anyone else find themselves casually perusing General Motors' third-quarter sales numbers? No? Well if you were flipping through them at the breakfast table, you would've seen a funny two-digit number next to the Blazer EV: 19. That's how many GM made in Q3. Production has picked up for sure, but with still limited supply, dealers are trying to get a bigger slice of the pie through widespread markups.

These aren't quite the absurd tacked-on "market adjustments" we've observed with hot new enthusiast cars. Blazer EVs aren't getting priced to the moon like electric Hummers, Nissan Z Nismos, or GR Corollas. The increases are still significant and widespread, though. Dealers across the country are typically marking Blazer EVs up by around $5,000, but sometimes as high as $10,000.

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Greedy Dealers Begin Marking Up New Blazer EV Despite ZERO Demand

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