The progressing expansion of the electric vehicle market and huge expectations about future growth have prompted massive EV-related investments in the U.S. Aside from new EV factories and a small tsunami of EV battery factories, there is also a significant wave of new EV charging equipment factories coming right now, an analysis of Department of Energy data shows.

The DOE's Vehicle Technologies Office highlights that since 2021, manufacturers have announced more than $500 million in EV charger investments. This includes all types of electric vehicle charging equipment, including Level 2 AC charging points, DC fast chargers and some wireless charging systems (but those are still rare.)

The list of new plants (either announced, under construction, or in the pipeline) already includes more than 40 sites. We can see a visualization of the investments thanks to the DOE's Building America's Clean Energy Future website, which generates interesting maps:

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DOE Claims Over 40 EV Charger Plants Have Been Announced So Far

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