Apple Air Tags are once again being deployed as a solution to rising car thefts in America. This time, Washington D.C.’s mayor and its acting police chief are providing residents from certain neighborhoods with the tracking devices for free, in an attempt to assist with efforts to find stolen vehicles.

In so doing, the district is following a precedent set by New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who offered 500 free AirTags to New Yorkers in April in an effort to curb thefts. In Washington, D.C., the devices will be handed out to residents at three events over the coming months, though police have not yet confirmed how many they are planning to hand out in total.

In order to receive a free AirTag, which retails for around $30, event attendees will have to offer proof of residency, per DCist. That address doesn’t just have to be in D.C., it has to be in one of the police service areas that authorities are targeting.

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Crime Is So Bad In Washington DC That Police Are Handing Out Air Tags To Track Stolen Vehicles

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