The perplexing saga of the Cadillac Celestiq's exorbitant price tag, soaring beyond $350,000, has left many scratching their heads and questioning the sanity behind such a lavish valuation. Including Aut Spies.

In a realm where luxury vehicles are no strangers to hefty price tags, the astronomical cost of the Celestiq pushes the boundaries of reason, prompting one to ponder: In what world does a Cadillac merit such an outlandish sum?

Granted, this is a tester but MY GOD it looks like if the Aztek was a sedan.

This flagship electric sedan touts advanced technology and bespoke craftsmanship, but critics argue that the exuberant price places it in a realm traditionally reserved for European luxury giants. Skepticism abounds as the Celestiq attempts to assert itself in a market segment where pedigree and established reputation often reign supreme.

Detractors also view the Celestiq as a brazen attempt by Cadillac to break into the ultra-luxury sector, challenging conventions and leaving many to question the rationality of investing such a staggering amount in a brand not synonymous with opulence.

As discussions unfold, the apparent extravagance of the Celestiq's price tag prompts a collective skepticism, casting a shadow over Cadillac's ambitious foray into uncharted, and some might say, ludicrous territory in the competitive world of high-end automobiles.

Tell us Spies your opinion.

There is NO logical reason for it to cost even over $150k in our opinion. And it will end up being one of the GREATEST product failures in history.

Biggest Car Mystery EVER? In WHAT World Is A Cadillac Celestiq Worth $350k PLUS?

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