As we gear up for Thanksgiving 2023, the excitement for juicy turkey, cozy family gatherings, and epic football games is building up. But amidst all this anticipation, there's a big question mark hovering over Tesla and its chief, Elon Musk.

Remember last year's hustle when Tesla dropped prices like crazy to boost sales at the end of the year? It got everyone talking about whether it was a genius move or a sign of trouble brewing. Now, with the buzz around an EV slowdown, folks are wondering if Elon Musk might pull off another jaw-dropping price drop stunt this year to hit those quarterly goals.

The thing is, the electric vehicle market has its ups and downs. Factors like supply chain mess-ups, changing buyer preferences, and government policies play a huge role in keeping companies like Tesla on their toes. So, the big question on everyone's mind is whether Tesla will go for a repeat of last year's big discounts to stay ahead in this ever-shifting game.

And how might the higher interest rates affect buying habits during this festive season.

Thanksgiving is about more than just delicious meals and football rivalries. It's a time when business strategies and holiday vibes collide. So, will Elon Musk and Tesla pull off another mind-blowing move to deal with the slowdown in the EV market? Or will they switch gears with a different plan altogether?

As we gear up to give thanks and dig into our favorite holiday traditions, the big question remains: will Tesla spice things up this Thanksgiving with wild sales tactics, leaving us all talking? Only time will tell.

But BEFORE we enjoy the bounty coming our ways tomorrow, let us here at Auto Spies tell you how thankful we are for all of you and your support!

You ALREADY know to SPY before you BUY.

So tomorrow as you look over the great cornucopia of delectable tastes, we say SPY before you BITE!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours and we wish you an amazing holiday season!

And friends, DON'T drink and drive!

THANKSGIVING 2023. THINGS To PONDER Over Turkey And Football! Will The EV SLOWDOWN Force ELON To PANIC And Do MORE Huge Price Drops, To STUFF The Quarter Like Last Year?

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