Tesla left the Cybertruck technical details for the last-minute reveal during the Delivery Day event on November 30. Still, Tesla enthusiasts have gathered valuable data from various sources, including the latest Tesla app version, and put the pieces together.

Tesla Cybertruck delivery event is on everyone's mind these days, especially as Tesla made it its mission to keep details under wraps until the last moment. We're mere hours away from the event's start, and the final countdown can be seen on Tesla's Cybertruck landing page instead of the usual "Order Now" button.

This deepens the Cybertruck mystery, whose characteristics and price are still unknown. Of course, there are many speculations, and I've been writing a lot about many of them. Tesla has done an impressive job of keeping everything secret, with very few leaks, despite the Cybertruck being in the spotlight for most of 2023. Still, as the Delivery Day gets near, the Tesla community has discovered some key details by analyzing the most recent software update and, later, the latest Tesla App version.

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