More than 1 million people paid $100 each to reserve a Tesla Cybertruck, CEO Elon Musk announced on the Q3 earnings call in October. But now, it looks as though Tesla has begun the operation of weeding out Cybertruck reservation holders who are not serious about buying the electric truck by introducing a $1,000 "early access deposit." In other words, if you really want that Cybertruck you reserved, you now owe Elon Musk a grand.

Starting yesterday, Tesla Cybertruck reservation holders who have been "invited" by the company to configure their vehicle and proceed with their order have discovered that besides having to pay a higher fully refundable reservation fee of $250 (from which the initial $100 fee is deducted), they also have to put down a non-refundable $1,000 deposit.

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Tesla Now Requiring $1000 Fee To Get Your Cybertruck Reservation Earlier

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