Remember that video of a Tesla Cybertruck getting stuck in the snow in California’s Stanislaus National Forest from last week? Two Ford pickups pulled the EV back onto the trail, and the video went viral. In fact, that video got so popular, it’s prompted the US Forestry Service to suggest to Tesla that their respective representatives should meet to develop an educational program to train inexperienced off-road drivers to avoid problems like this in the future.

“We feel confident that had the driver of the Cybertruck had a better understanding of the topographical feature indicated on our maps, practiced Leave No Trace principles, and generally been more prepared, this whole incident could have been not only avoided, but also provided much-needed education to many new off-road users,” Stanislaus National Forest Supervisor Jason Kuiken said in a statement.

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US Forest Service Advises Cybertruck Owners To Learn How To Off Road Before Doing So

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