Like anything else in the tech world, carmakers have become increasingly interested in ChatGPT. It was a matter of time until OpenAI's technology landed in the automotive space, and it is now in charge of handling the first interaction with a potential customer for a growing number of dealerships across the states.

Chevrolet is one of the biggest names relying on ChatGPT for a quick chat with someone interested in buying a car. The company integrated the smart chatbots into its web-based interface, allowing a website visitor to get in touch with this trained digital employee for buying advice, comparisons, and generally more information about a car.

X (formerly known as Twitter) engineer Chris Bakke exploited ChatGPT's shortcomings in the most amusing way. And, to be honest, in a way that Chevrolet should acknowledge and accept, eventually honoring the deal Bakke managed to obtain thanks to good-guy ChatGPT.

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