Looking ahead to the next 12 months for mobility, we are going to see sweeping changes across Europe’s transport networks. These changes are not only limited to roads, but will also affect the types of vehicles we drive and the apps we use. One key factor to tackle in Europe will be the emerging ‘autobesity’ challenge. This is a phenomenon where major players in the automotive manufacturing space have been steadily increasing the size of their vehicles for decades.

The SUV market already accounts for almost half (46%) of global car sales, and cars are increasingly exceeding road sizing and parking bay dimensions by as much as 60cm. In fact, this ‘autobesity’ growth means that more than 150 car models, and counting, are too big for regular parking spaces. Ultimately, larger cars are not suited Europe‘s old, narrow roads in urban centres. And while legislation to address safety and emissions concerns is some way off, there are local strategies that can be put in place now for a more rapid response.

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EU To Target Big SUVs With Sweeping Parking Policies

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