On Thursday, November 16, 2023 at around 7:00 pm, the complainant, a delivery driver, was delivering a package at an apartment complex at 4400 W. Airport, in Houston, Texas. The complainant stated that he was approached by an unknown male, who pointed a gun at him, and demanded the keys to the van. Once the suspect had the keys, he forced the delivery driver to tell him how to operate the vehicle. The suspect then sped away in the van and had a minor accident about half a mile away at 4100 Uptown, where he then fled the location on foot. Houston PD #1641566-23

Suspect description: Black male, 18 to 23 years old, 6’0 to 6’2, 180 to 200 pounds, black jacket, black pants, black shoes and a black mask

Please contact Crime Stoppers of Houston DIRECTLY if you have any information related to this investigation. Information leading to the charging and/or arrest of any felony suspects may result in a cash payment up to $5,000. Tipsters MUST contact Crime Stoppers DIRECTLY to remain anonymous and to be considered for a cash payment by calling 713-222-TIPS (8477), submitting an online tip at or through the Crime Stoppers mobile app.

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