The evolution of automotive technology prompts a contemplation of whether the proverbial "CART came before the horsepower." In the realm of electric vehicles (EVs), the narrative often revolves around whether the push towards electrification aimed at making life better for individuals or if it was driven primarily by activism, wishful thinking, and profit motives.

Proponents of electric vehicles argue that the environmental benefits, reduced carbon footprint, and potential for cleaner, sustainable transportation were the driving forces behind the EV push. Advocates believed in a future where reliance on fossil fuels would diminish, leading to a healthier planet and improved quality of life. However, skeptics question the sincerity of these motives, suggesting that profit-driven interests and public relations campaigns played a significant role.

The interplay between environmental consciousness, profit motives, and societal well-being in the evolution of the automotive industry raises important questions about the true intentions behind the push for electric vehicles. Unraveling this complex web requires a nuanced exploration of historical developments and contemporary motivations, contemplating whether the pursuit of a better future for humanity truly guided the shift towards electric mobility or if other forces were at play.

THE TRUTH HERTZ! Did The CART, Come BEFORE The Horsepower? Was The EV Push About Making Life BETTER For Us OR ONLY About Activism, Wishful Thinking And Profit?

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